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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

English Parliamentary Debate Training

Need parliamentary debate training? We provide you, your school, or institution a parliamentary debate coaching. What parliamentary debate is, rules and roles, debate styles, spesific terms, scoring aspects, strategies, practices and all details about parliamentary debate, accompanied by an experienced coach.

Perlu pelatihan atau pendampingan parliamentary debate untuk klub debat atau sekolah? Keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi lewat email atau nomor handphone di bawah.  

Further information, our proposal and question, please contact at zaenalarifin.neon@gmail.com or 081216298369.

Dr. MF Patel & Praveen M Jain. English Language Teaching (Methods, Tools & Teachniques)

Reviewed by Arifin
Tulungagung, 23 September 2014

This book is originally written for Indian use, as what the author said in the preface. First chapter of this book also provides a brief introduction dealing with English in Indian education. However, some issues discussed may will also be helpful for those studying TEFL or TESOL. Full content of the book can be seen by reviewing the contents below, or just simply download the book.

1.  The Place of English In Indian Education  
2.  Foreign Language Learning  
3.  Instructional Material and Text  Book  
4.  Methods  
5.  Approaches 
6.  Oral Work   
7.  Reading  
8.  Writing and Composition  
9.  Teaching of Prose, Poetry and Grammar   
10. Skills and Competencies of English Teacher  

Download the softcopy here!