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Friday, 12 July 2013

Donald Ary, et.al. Introduction to Research in Education (8th Edition) - Download

Reviewed by Zaenal Arifin
Tulungagung, 12 July 2013

Introduction to Research in Education, karya Donald Ary dkk. Ada yang merasa asing dengan judul buku ini? Bila anda seorang mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan, atau mungkin seorang peneliti di bidang pendidikan, atau bahkan seorang dosen di jurusan pendidikan, seharusnya anda sudah sangat mengenal buku ini.

A Critique
Beberapa kali, atau bahkan sering, saya menemui tulisan ilmiah (baca: skripsi) para mahasiswa yang dalam rujukan di dalamnya bertulisan "Based on Arikunto, ...", atau "Arikunto says that ...", dsb. Sebenarnya bagi saya tidak ada masalah dengan rujukan tersebut, hanya saja, karena terlalu sering menemuinya, saya melihatnya jangan-jangan penulisan rujukan-rujukan serupa tersebut hanyalah hasil dari copy-paste saja, tanpa sebenarnya pernah membaca bukunya, atau bahkan judul bukunya pun mungkin tidak tahu. Loh, jadinya kan lucu?

Hal yang menurut saya lebih ganjil lagi adalah kalau rujukan-rujukan tersebut saya temukan di karya ilmiah para sarjana-sarjana dalam dunia pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Saya tidak mau banyak membahas tentang buku karya Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto, namun yang selalu ada di benak saya adalah, "Apakah mahasiswa-mahasiswa tersebut tidak mengetahui referensi lain, yang secara isi bisa dikatakan lebih komprensif?"

Lewat postingan saya berikut ini, saya ingin sekedar share wawasan tentang referensi (bukan kelimuannya, ya) dalam bidang penelitian pendidikan, dimana menurut saya buku Introduction to Research in Education ini adalah referensi yang paling komprehensif. Tidak hanya luas cakupannya, tapi juga dalam pembahasannya. Yang saya maksud dengan luas dan dalam adalah bahwa buku ini menjelaskan penelitian mulai dari dasarnya (yaitu berbicara mengenai ilmu pengetahuan), sampai ke penjelasan berbagai macam metode penelitian beserta sub-subnya, juga eksplorasi yang mendalam dari masing-masing point yang ada. 

Sebagai perbandingan, semisal saya bandingkan buku ini dengan buku A, salah satu buku penelitian berbahasa Indonesia yang dilabeli 'best seller'. Secara general, buku A tersebut menjabarkan tentang penelitian pendidikan dengan berbagai metodenya serta beberapa penjelasan penerapannya dalam praktek penelitian. Namun begitu, pembahasan dari masing-masing sub yang ada masih kurang mendalam. Hal ini tentu bisa jadi kurang membantu di saat kita memerlukan penjelasan yang lebih jelas, atau lebih detail tentang suatu metode, ataupun bagian-bagian yang ada di dalamnya. Walaupun kendala pemahaman bahasa bisa jadi sedikit mempesulit pemahaman, namun menurut saya bahasan dalam buku karya Donald Ary dkk. ini tetap lebih mendalam, serta lebih mampu memberikan fondasi pemahaman yang kuat.

Sedikit mengintip isi dalam buku ini, di dalamnya dijabarkan berbagai metode penelitian (kualitatif, kuantitatif, tindakan, ataupun campuran), serta branch desainnya secara mendalam (semisal dalam kuantitaif: experimental dengan berbagai macam disainnya seperti preexperimental, true experimental, quasi, time series, dsb, atau juga nonexperimental seperti correctional,  expost facto, ataupun survey, serta disain dalam kualitatif: basic interpretative studies, case studies, document analysis, ethnography, historical research, grounded theory, narrative inquiry, atau phenomenological studies), juga metode-metode terkait dalam penelitian serta instrumentnya (interview dan macam-macamnya, questionnaires dan macam-macamnya, serta masih banyak lagi) yang semuanya dibahas dengan jelas. 

Berikut saya lampirkan pula content atau daftar isinya dari hasil screenshot.

Ingin tau lebih banyak lagi? Silahkan download saja versi PDF buku Introduction to Reseacrh in Education (8th Edition) lewat link di bawah ini. Sekedar informasi, menurut sepengetahuan saya, ini adalah edisi paling baru dari buku ini (dipublish pada tahun 2010). Bila anda ingin order versi cetaknya, silahkan klik link ini.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

The Sage English Dictionary and Thesaurus - Download

Reviewed by Zaenal Arifin
Tulungagung, 10 July 2013

Pernah dengar istilah kamus thesaurus? Eit, bukan kamus tentang makhluk purbakala atau sejenisnya lo ya. Thesaurus adalah jenis kamus online yang menyajikan definisi kata-kata, ataupun frase.

Berikut ini akan saya share suatu aplikasi kamus thesaurus yang bernama The Sage English Dictionary and Thesaurus. Tidak seperti layanan thesaurus kebanyakan yang mengharuskan adanya akses internet, The Sage ini adalah kamus sekaligus thesaurus offline.

Seperti bisa dilihat di tampilan screenshotnya di bawah, fiturnya cukup lengkap, mulai dari definisi, fasilitas pelafalan kata (pronunciation), contoh penggunaannya dalam suatu kalimat, hingga keberkaitannya dengan perubahan bentuk kata (derived) ataupun makna (sinonim, antonim, hipernim, dsb).

Bila anda tertarik mendownloadnya, langsung saja download dari situs resminya secara free alias gratis.

Sedikit panduan mendownload, setelah mengklik SKIP AD, anda tinggal klik link download seperti gambar di bawah. Pilih 'Click to Download The Sage' bila anda ingin mendownload file dalam format EXE langsung, atau pilih 'Download the Setup Package inside a Zip' untuk mendownload dalam format kompresi ZIP yang bisa dibuka dengan Winrar, atau Winzip, atau Izarc, dan sebagainya.

The Sage English Dictionary and Thesaurus - Download.


Descriptive Text Samples (Contoh Teks Deskriptif)

Guys, this is other share of mine dealing with English text (genres), and here, I'm going to share the samples of descriptive text.

As the previous post, you can freely use all these texts as a part in developing English material (i.e. in a text book), or as passage in designing a language test, just note to please attach the reference from http://liteneon.blogspot.com.

Text 1: Joni, My Furred Friend


Joni, My Furred Friend

Joni, that’s his name. My older brother presented as my birthday gift. He is a very cute cat and I love him so much.

Joni has thick fur. The dominant black with white spot makes him more beautiful. His body is rather fat and it is very amusing to watch him walk. What I like most is his nose. Joni is a Persian cat which makes him flat-nosed.

Joni is very friendly. My friends who come to my house always have some fun with him. I feed him pet food everyday and he likes it very much. He always meows while following me if I haven’t given him some. Sometimes he also walks around the house and I think some neighbor’s cats must be fascinated with him.

Main Idea
1st paragraph: Joni is a cat given as birthday gift.
2nd paragraph: Joni is a black white-spotted Persian cat which has amusing physical appearance.
3rd paragraph: Joni is friendly and charming to all, humans and other cats.

Joni is a black white spotted Persian cat given to writer as his birthday gift. The cat is so cut in physical appearance for some reason, and also very friendly and fascinating.

The text is rich of vocabularies. It is simple and easy to understand because what discussed is very general thing, cat. The conclusion in the last paragraph is also good.

Text 2: Lovely Grandpa’s Flower Garden


Lovely Grandpa’s Flower Garden

I visited my grandpa on last week holyday.  What I always look forward there is grandpa’s flower garden. Grandpa leaves some pretty wide space surrounding his house and the space is full of assorted flowers. Everywhere I look at, front, back, right, and left, there are always flowers. That’s so beautiful.

The flowers are various and colorful. On the left front corner, there are red roses, and red tulips on the left one. It’s perfect red. On the right of the house there are some dahlias which have bright color; bright red, pink and purple. Grandpa also has pond on the left of the house and he puts some white water lilies on it. On the backyard, there is a linden tree surrounded by some white wild lilies. Also, grandpa puts some purple and red orchids on the tree.

Grandpa along with grandma always takes care and water the flower regularly, and they do it with pleasure. The grandpa’s flower garden is always mesmerizing and that’s why I always passionate to see it.

Main Idea
1st paragraph: Grandpa has a very lovely flower garden which I’m always missing at.
2nd paragraph: The grandpa’s flower garden contains of various flowers, roses, tulips, dahlias, water lilies and orchids.
3rd paragraph: Grandpa with grandma always take care the flower garden.

Grandpa has a very lovely flower garden which I’m always missing at. The grandpa’s flower garden contains of various flowers, roses, tulips, dahlias, water lilies and orchids all surrounding the house.

The text is simple and rich of vocabulary, especially noun. The conclusion paragraph is also available which makes it better.

Picture taken from: http://sro.web.id

Report Text Samples (Contoh Teks Report)

Hi guys.

It's great to see you again and share some stuff dealing with English teaching which I hope can be useful for you or your activities. Today, I'd like to share some samples of report text. I will also give some slight analysis about the texts.

These texts can be used as a part in developing English material (i.e. in a text book), or as passage in designing a language test. 

You can freely use all these texts, just note to please attach the reference from http://liteneon.blogspot.com.

Here are the texts.

Text 1: Tarantula


True tarantulas are a type of wolf spider that belongs to the family Lycosidae in the suborder of Araneomorphae. But most people use the term tarantula to refer to about 700 species of spiders belonging to the family Theraphosidae in the suborder Mygalomorphae. Sometimes known as American tarantulas, they are found in tropical regions throughout the world, with many species in the southwestern United States.

These giants of spider world can attain a body length of 10 cm with a leg span up to 20 cm, making it possible for some species to overpower small vertebrates, such as frogs or lizard for their meal. Their large body and longs leg are covered with hairs.

Most tarantulas stay on the ground. As ground hunters, tarantulas are typical sit-and-wait predators –they wait for insects or small vertebrates to come near before they pounce and kill the prey with their strong chelicerae.

Main Idea
1st paragraph: The origin of tarantula is Theraphosidae.
2nd paragraph: The body size of tarantula is large.
3rd paragraph: Tarantula is a passive hunter.

Tarantula is a type of spider which origin is Theraphosidae, which has large body and hunt the prey by waiting, pouncing, and then injecting poison.

The text is very simple and easy to understand, except for some term (scientific name) of tarantula or its suborder. However, there is no closing or conclusion part of the text which makes it have little bit lack.

Text 2: Cats



Cats, also called domestic cats or house cats are carnivorous (meat-eating) mammals, of the family Felidae. Cats have been domesticated (tame) for nearly 10,000 years. They are currently the most popular pets in the world. Their origin is probably the African Wildcat Felis silvestris lybica.

Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as gods, and often mummified them so they could be with their owners "for all of eternity". They also mummified mice so the cats would have something to eat in the afterlife. Today, people often keep cats as pets, but there are also cats that live without being cared for by people. These kinds of cats are called feral cats. Cats were probably first kept because they ate mice, and this is still their main job in farms throughout the world. Later they were kept because they are friendly and good companions.

Cats are active carnivores, meaning they hunt live prey. Their main prey is small mammals like mice. They will also stalk, and sometimes kill and eat, birds. Cats eat a wide variety of prey, including insects, and seem especially to like house flies and bluebottles. Their main method of hunting is stalk and pounce. While dogs have great stamina and will chase prey over long distances, cats are extremely fast, but only over short distances. Cats, especially kittens, practice these instinctive behaviors in play with each other or on small toys. Today, special food for cats is widely available in the developed countries. However, there is an interesting fact; cats cannot taste sweet foods (with sugar) because of a mutation (change) in their ancestors which removed the ability to taste sweet things.

Cats are quiet and well-behaved animals, making them popular pets. Young kittens are playful. They can easily entertain themselves with a variety of store-bought or homemade toys. House cats have also been known to teach themselves to use doorknobs and toilet handles.

Main Idea
1st paragraph: Cat is carnivore mammals which origin is Felis silvestris lybica.
2nd paragraph: In the past, cat was taken care to worship, but now is for its friendliness and as a good companion.
3rd paragraph: Cats are active carnivore in hunting their prey, like mice and insects; however now various cat’s food is available on store.
4th paragraph: Cats are the most popular pets for some reasons.

Cats are carnivore mammals which are friendly to human. Cats, in the past and present, have been seen and treated differently. For some reason, cats are now the most popular pet.

The text is rich of vocabularies (from adjective, noun, and some phrases). The text is good for having conclusion in the last paragraph.


Passage adapted and modified from: http://wikipedia.com
Picture taken from http://lihatilmu.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

English Exercise / Test Samples (Part 4 - Final) - Download

This final part is set as midterm test (middle semester test). The test consists of 2 test codes, A and B to minimize the possibility of 'cooperation' among students.

This test covers some genres of text (narrative and report) also some grammar topics.

Below are the download link of English Exercise / Test Samples (Part 4 - Final) - Download, also the summary of all parts.

English Exercise / Test Samples (Part 3) - Download

This is English Exercise / Test Part 3. You can also review English Exercise / Test Part 1, or Part 2.


A. Read the following text and understand the meaning!

Teacher Is Not The Only “Teacher”
As ones who are learning, we, of course, need a help in which some others should teach us. But there is no specific rule that those which/who teach us should be a person, or in general we call as teacher. In fact, there are so many learners who rely only on their teacher. We must realize that we can study not only from those teachers.

We often hear “experience is the best teacher”. That’s true. Knowledge which is gotten by experiencing will be stay in our mind better. This is what we can find in many models of learning. Teacher gives his students chance to make some experiments, activities and so on. Teacher is a facilitator here.

Other autonomous way of learning is exploring books. Many ideas have been written in the books and this depends on us whether to take it or not. In this case, teacher can function as guidance. When we don’t fully understand the books, we can ask to teachers.

We can learn not only from teachers, but there are still many other sources which we can use as “teacher”, experience and books are one of those. But, out of those cases, teacher is still the one which we have to respect, because teacher is still the one who guides us in studying.

English Exercise / Test Part 3 - Download


English Exercise / Test Samples (Part 2) - Download

This is the continuation of the previous post entitled English Exercise / Test Samples (Part 1) - Download.

In this English Exercise / Test Samples (Part 2) - Download, I will share a language test which cover report text.


A. Read the text then answer the questions based on the text!
      A rose is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. The roses are armed with sharp prickles. There are around 100 species of roses along the world, such as in Europe, America, Africa and most in Asia. Roses are also famous for their beautiful color and fragrance which are various. They are white, yellow, orange, pink and red which all are based on the species and region.
      Besides its beauty, the rose is also used as commercial perfume, and cut flowers crops. Even, the rose can also be used as medicine.
      Rose perfumes are made from attar of roses or rose oil. It is transparent pale yellow-grey in color. To extract one gram of rose oil, it’s needed about two thousand flowers.
      Roses as cut flowers crops are used to express someone’s feeling. Red roses may express love, yellow for friendship and white for grieving.
      Rose fruit or known as rose hip can also be used as medicine in Chinese. It is used for stomach problems. For now, it is being investigated for controlling cancer growth.

Download soft-file English Exercise / Test Samples (Unit 2) silahkan klik disini, atau anda juga bisa mereveiw English Exercise / Test Samples (Unit 1).

Atau, English Exercise / Test Samples (Unit 3) - Download.


English Exercise / Test Samples (Part 1) - Download

English Exercise / Test Samples (Part 1) - Download

Assessment has been an important part, or even always required, in the relation with any teaching and learning activities, so in language ones. Here I will not much expose about language assessment, thus, further principles or explanation about assessment and other related terms can be discovered on 'Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices' by H Douglas Brown or 'Language Testing and Assessment' by Glenn Fulcher and Fred Davidson. Probably next time I can explore more about language assessment principles.

In this occasion, I'm going to share some samples of language test (assessment instrument), especially those which cover teaching and learning in senior high school level.

The following test is designed based on the topic of narrative text, and exposure of simple past tense.
Here it is.


A.     Choose suitable words to be put into the blanks!
didn’t seem
fell down

Poor Love 
            In a state university in the middle of city of Connecticut, there 1)                               a student named Susan. Without being known by others, she 2)                                 a feeling into a boy, Tim Parker, who has having relationship with Jeanne.
            Sue 3)                                happy with Jeanne’s being on Tim’s life. She 4)                         to separate them and she would do anything to make it.
            One day, when Tim and Jeanne were having dinner, Sue 5)                           to be a servant in a restaurant. She tricked others and poured a poison on drinking to be given to Jeanne. The drinking was ready to drink. Sue 6)                               curiously to see Jeanne suffering. Tim and Jeanne lifted their glass; they 7)                                ready to drink. Unpredictably, they crossed their hand to have switching on drinking. Poison-Jeanne’s drinking was had by Tim. The glass wasn’t empty when Tim 8)                              on the floor. He was in critical condition and sent to the hospital. What a poor Tim was!

B.     Read the passage again and answer these questions!
1.  Who is loved by Sue?
a. Tim                                   c. Peter Parker
b. Jeanne                              d. Susan

 2. … She tricked others and poured poison.
     The word “she” refers to ____________
a. Sue                                    c. Jeanne
b. Tim                                   d. Connecticut

 3. Who finally became a victim?
a. Jeanne                              c. Tim
b. Sue                              d. Connecticut

4. Why was Tim sent to the hospital?
a. He got accident
b. He fell from a high building
c. He drank Jeanne’s drinking
d. He visited Jeanne

5. What kind the narrative text is the passage above?
a. Romance                          c. Mystery
b. Adventure                  d. Humor


Untuk download soft-file English Exercise/Test Unit 1 (narrative text and simple present tense) silahkan klik disini.

Untuk download Remedial Test English Exercise Unit 1 (narrative text and simple present tense) silahkan klik disini.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Texas Holdem Poker 3D Deluxe Edition v1.0 - Download

Texas Holdem Poker 3D Deluxe Edition v1.0 - Download
Tentu anda sekalian sudah tahu kan dengan game yang satu ini? Ya, meskipun tidak semua orang benar-benar faham detail permainnya, namun game poker adalah salah satu game paling populer di masyarakat, apalagi bagi pecinta online game.

A Brief Review
Dalam postingan saya kali ini, saya akan share link download game poker yang bernama Texas Holdem Poker 3D Deluxe. Game ini sendiri adalah salah satu game favorit saya. Tampilan 3D-nya cukup halus meskipun itu bisa tergantung pada spesifikasi komputer masing-masing. Terdapat beberapa pilihan mode permainan dalam game ini. Kita bisa memilih 'Single' bila hendak bermain quick game, atau 'Tournament' untuk melihat semahir apa serta sampai sejauh apa pencapaian kita bila beradu dengan komputer. Kita juga bisa bermain dengan orang lain dengan memilih mode 'LAN' untuk bermain dengan teman dan menghubungkan PC dengan kabel LAN, atau bermain secara online dengan pemain lain di seluruh dunia dengan memilih mode 'Multiplayer'.

Texas Holdem Poker 3D Deluxe Edition v1.0 - Download
Oke, langsung saja. Silahkan ikuti link berikut ini untuk mendownloadnya.

Untuk sedikit membantu atau mengingatkan (bagi yang lupa), berikut saya sertakan urutan grade kombinasi kartu dalam permainan poker.

Download Texas Holdem Poker 3D Deluxe Edition v1.0 now!


Poker card combination by www.pokerharder.com

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Narrative vs. Recount Text

I once asked my students, "What is the difference between narrative text and recount text?" The answer they gave implied that recount is from personal experience, while narrative is a fiction. Then, I conclude that such answer of theirs must be based on their learning experience where in studying language, especially about narrative writing, they are often exposed with some narrative titles like Malin Kundang, Cinderella, Snow White, and so on which tend to be fiction; or titles like My Vacation, or My Holiday when on recount text. However, the conclusion they made is rather missed.

That both are story and telling the past event are true, but what make them differ is not on the basis of the truth of the event. For example, if a detective has a true story or real experience in solving a case and then the story is developed into a writing, then, it can be a narrative story although it comes from a personal experience.

The basic principle related to genres of narrative writing (whether it is narrative, recount, spoof, or anecdote) is all about style, parts of writing, and plot, not be based on the truth of event.

Flat and Pointed Surfaces
'Flat' and 'pointed' surfaces are used to illustrate the plot of story between recount and narrative text. Recount is a flat story which tells series of events and closed with summarizing. Narrative text also contains of some series of events, but each series has its degree which can be increasing or calming down. What I mean by 'degrees' in narrative text is mentioned as some parts in the text (orientation, complication, resolution, and code). If such parts are then described in a curve, then orientation is illustrated by a flat line, compilation by ascending line, resolution by descending line, and coda by flat line. Recount text, however, does not have such kind of curve. It may contain with, for example, "On Sunday, I went hiking with my friends", "We went by a 4x4 vehicle", "Then, we did this, we did that", and so on.  It is just flat.

Writing Styles
It is about the intelligence of writer which can compose a text into narrative or recount. A detective story which  should be alarming can be flat and may tend to be recount text if it is delivered in a flat way. On the other hand, a personal experience can be a great narrative text if it is arranged and touched with languages which can lead or drive readers' emotion.

Read Narrative vs. Recount Text in Bahasa Indonesia, or see identical article Descriptive Text vs. Report Text.
