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Saturday, 29 June 2013

Bulugh Al-Maram Al-Hafidz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani Terjemahan (Retyped Edition) - Download

Bulughul Maram merupakan kitab karya Hafidz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani yang memuat Fiqih Islam dan menjadi rujukan kaum muslim di berbagai negara untuk menjalankan dan menghayati ajaran Islam secara benar. 

Di kios-kios buku pun sebenarnya sudah banyak versi terjemahannya, namun bagi yang ingin mempelajarinya tanpa harus membeli, berikut saya share versi terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya (yang telah diketik ulang, sehingga layoutnya tidak seperti buku pada yang dipublish di pasaran).




Mengatasi Tampilan 'Ad.Fly' Saat Browsing atau Download

Sebagian dari kita pasti sering menjumpai tampilan 'Ad.Fly' di beberapa blog atau situs web saat kita sedang browsing, atau hendak mengarah ke download link. Hal ini sebenarnya bukanlah hal begitu mengkhawatirkan. 'Ad.Fly' sendiri adalah suatu penyedia jasa layanan periklanan dimana saat 'Ad.Fly' muncul sebenarnya pihak 'Ad.Fly' mengharapkan kita memperhatikan iklannya. Yah, memang seperti itulah kira-kira tujuan awal iklan.

Bagi sebagian orang yang sudah faham, mungkin munculnya 'Ad.Fly' bukan suatu yang berarti, tapi bagi sebagian orang yang masih awam, bisa saja mereka berfikir, "O, link nya nggak ada.", atau, "Wah, situsnya rusak ini." Padahal, tidak seperti itu.

Lalu bagaimana cara meneruskan link yang terhadang 'Ad.Fly'?

1. Saat popup 'Ad.Fly' muncul, maka disebelah kanan atas akan muncul tulisan "Please Waiting 5 Seconds", "4 Seconds", "3 Seconds", dan seterusnya. Nha, saat muncul itu kita bisa tunggu saja.

2. Setelah hitungan mundur selesai, maka akan ada tulisan 'SKIP AD'.

3. Klik tulisan 'SKIP AD' itu, dan anda akan langsung diarahkan pada link sebenarnya.

Emoticon Super Cool untuk Chatting Facebook

Mau chat Facebook dengan tampilan yang lebih atraktif? Pake emoticon berikut ini. Emoticon yang keren dan tidak biasa. Tinggal copy dari emoticon yang kamu pengen, dan paste di jendela chat Facebook, 'ENTER', lalu, tadaaa, super cool emoticons appear.

Download kumpulan code untuk emoticon Facebook yang super keren disini.

Emoticon codes' reference: http://www.symbols-n-emoticons.com

Perangkat Pembelajaran - Download

Sudahkah anda siap praktek mengajar? Itulah salah satu kesibukan mahasiswa tingkat akhir.
Secara menyeluruh memang PPL memerlukan persiapan yang matang di segala hal: mental, wawasan keilmuan, dan lagi satu hal yang biasanya dianggap agak repot adalah berkas-berkas perangkat pembelajaran. Dalam PPL sendiri sebenarnya perangkat pembelajaran atau minimal samplenya bisa didapatkan langsung dari guru pembimbing yang bersangkutan. meskipun untuk selanjutnya para peserta PPL lah yang tetap harus membuatnya.

Hanya sekedar contoh atau sample, saya akan share beberapa bagian dari perangkat pembelajaran yang saya punyai, yang barangkali bisa bermanfaat bagi teman-teman yang membutuhkan.

Perangkat Pembelajaran - Download terdiri dari:
Program Tahunan (PROTA) - Download
Program Semester (PROMES) - Download
PROMES Per-Minggu - Download
Silabus - Download - Download
Panduan Model Silabus dan RPP Berkarakter - Download
Contoh RPP - Download

Lebih dalam tentang RPP dapat dibaca di Lesson Plan (RPP) in English Class atau terkait penyusunan materi ajar bisa diperdalam di English Material Development at Glance.


Picture taken from: recycling.ncsu.edu

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Menyembunyikan File/Folder di PC

Punya file atau document rahasia yang tersimpan di komputer anda? Khawatir kalau sampai dibuka atau dilihat orang? Anda bisa saja menyembunyikannya melalui program-program pengaman folder, semisal Folder Guard atau Folder Lock dengan pengaman berupa password, tapi sebenarnya itu malah mencolok, membuktikan kalau ada yang anda sembunyikan di PC.

Pake 'hiden' option di Explorer? Bisa, tapi masih tetap bisa dimunculkan. 

Sebenarnya ada cara yang lebih simple meskipun untuk sebagian orang bisa jadi agak ribet. Bagaimana caranya? Kita hanya perlu menggunakan CMD.

Apa itu CMD?
CMD atau Command Prompt adalah fitur bawaan Windows untuk melakukan 'command' atau menjalankan perintah-perintah khusus yang biasanya tersembunyi yang diakses melalui MS-DOS (layar hitam). Kira-kira seperti itu simplenya.

Langsung saja langkah-langkahnya:

1.Tentukan folder yang ingin anda sembunyikan.
Semisal saya punya beberapa dokumen skripsi yang tidak ingin dilihat orang lain. Saya menaruhnya dalam folder 'SKRIPSI' dan saya simpan di drive 'D'.

2. Buka CMD.
Tekan 'Windows' + R, atau dari start menu pilih 'Run', lalu ketik 'cmd'. Maka akan muncul layar hitam seperti di bawah ini.

3. Arahkan pada tempat dimana file disimpan.
Karan saya menyimpan folder di drive D, maka saya ketik D: atau Bila file disimpan di drive E, maka bisa kita ketik E: dan sebagainya bila di drive C atau drive lainnya.

4. Perintahnya atau command nya bagaimana?
Untuk menyembunyikan, ketik:

attrib -s -h SKRIPSI

dan, untuk memunculkan, ketik:

attrib +s +h SKRIPSI

'SKRIPSI' bisa diubah sesuai dengan nama folder yang hendak disembunyikan.

NB: Cara ini sangat efektif untuk menyembunyikan folder beserta isinya pada PC dengan OS Windows XP, tapi ketika saya mencoba pada Windows 7, folder atau file isinya tetap bisa ditemukan melalui fitur 'Search', meskipun folder utamanya tetap terhidden.

Selamat mencoba.

Picture taken from: petri.co.il

Berbagi Inspirasi Desain Brosur

Berikut saya share beberapa hasil desain saya. Sebagian sudah digunakan untuk keperluan publikasi event, tapi ada sebagian yang belum terpakai juga. Bila berkenan untuk mendapatkan soft copy file vectornya silahkan menghubungi saya melalui email ini.

1. English Championship 2011
Brosur ini dipakai untuk memperkenalkan dan menginformasikan event English Championship 2011. Pembuatannya memanfaatkan kombinasi program Adobe Photoshop dan CorelDraw. Karakter utama dalam desain ini terdapat pada logo yang mencerminkan 'colorful' sesuai dengan tema event.

2. HED 6
Holiday English Dormitory 6 adalah program kursus bersama selama 2 minggu di Pare. Karena ini merupakan penyelenggaraan yang ke-enam, maka saya memberikan sentuhan pita bertuliskan '6th Generations' untuk lebih mengindikasikan label generasi/angkatan. Desain ini sepenuhnya memanfaatkan Photoshop dimana latarnya menggunakan teknik brushing. Yang harus diperhatikan untuk kesesuaian desain adalah pemilihan font, serta pengaturan brightness dan contrast.

3. Pesta Musik

Desainnya cukup simple, dan tidak begitu terlihat karakter pada label/nama/logo kegiatan karena pemilihan fontnya. Sesuai  permintaan ketua panitia penyeleggara yang seorang pecinta 'reggae', latarnya saya ilustrasikan berbau 'reggae' dengan perpaduan waranya.

4. Pesta Music

Dibanding event musik sebelumnya, desain brosur ini lebih berkarakter bila dilihat dari logo utamanya. Pembuatannya sepenuhnya menggunakan CorelDraw.

5. Paseban Rakyat
Sudah dibuat, tapi tidak jadi diselenggarakan kegiatannya. Yah, mau gimana lagi. Tapi menurut saya desainnya masih cukup layak untuk dishare. Proses pembuatanya menggunakan CorelDraw, serta cukup simple dan singkat.

6. English Championship 2012 (Concept)
Saya tulis concept karena brosur ini tidak jadi dipublish karena ternyata pada tahun 2012 kegiatan yang bersangkutan batal diselenggarakan. Konsep utamanya adalah kesan 'fresh', yang mencerminkan tema kegiatan. Dasar logo kegiatan dibuat dengan CorelDraw, serta sentuhan Photoshop untuk efek 3Dnya. Selanjutnya layout serta filling dilakukan dalam Photoshop.

7. Class Competition
  Simple black and white brochure. That's all.

8. HED 3
Salahsatu desain brosur tersimple saya. Attachment gambar wet grass bisa jadi hal yang paling menonjol dalam desain ini.

9. Wiyata Bhakti

Hal yang menonjol menurut saya adalah efek background blue sun.

10. English Championship 2013

Logo dari kegiatan ini sebenarnya adalah modifikasi Photoshop dari EC2012 yang penyelenggaraannya dibatalkan. Saya agak stuck jadi yang lainnya ya seadanya.

11. Jalan Sehat
Logo Jalan sehat dibuat menggunakan CorelDraw dengan karakter huruf yang digantung. Yang lainnya seadanya saja. Jangan lupa di rumah olahraga ya, jalan-jalan juga olahraga lo.

English Material Development at Glance

Since practitioners in English education are importantly necessary to be able to develop the materials as the content of learning, thus, it is really essential for them to have understanding and ability concerning with the material development. In some of his writing, Brian Tomlinson emphasizes theoretically that by knowing any stuff dealing with the topic it will help them to create more systematic and principled materials. I do agree with that and might add that practically, if they have the understanding of material development, they are expected to be able to create learning materials optimally which results better in the term of achievement of learning objectives.
Dealing with English material development, there are some applicable important terms. Among lots of the terms, here I’ll just come short with 2 terms: materials evaluation and adaptation. Both terms are basically related and support each other, and might be mixed-used in developing materials.

Material evaluation
Materials evaluation involves measuring the value (or potential value) of a set of learning materials by making judgments about the effect of the materials on the people using them. Summarized from Brian Tomlinson (2004), the material evaluation might try to answer the following questions:
§  the appeal of the materials to the learners (i.e. are the materials attractive?)
§  the validity of the materials (i.e. is what the materials teach worth teaching?)
§  the ability of the materials to interest the learners and the teachers
§  the ability of the materials to motivate the learners (i.e. to stimulate the learners to want to give time and energy to the materials)
§  the potential learning value of the materials
§  the assistance given to the teachers in terms of preparation, delivery and assessment
§  the flexibility of the materials (e.g. the extent to which it is easy for a teacher to adapt the materials to suit a particular context

So, what is the material evaluation for?
As its name, it can be used to evaluate any materials to measure whether the materials are proper, or fit with the learning and all the things in it or not. As the follow up of evaluating, the material evaluation can, then, be used to determine any further actions; for examples material adaptation and adaptation.

Material adaptation
When the materials are seen to completely fit the learning objectives and characteristics, it then can be fully used without any modification. That is what is called material adoption. However, such absolute ‘match’ is rarely found in the real field. The education practitioners are mostly insisted to look thoroughly to compare the materials and the need which then result the necessary of modifying the materials. Tomlinson describes that material adaptation involves changing existing materials so that they become more suitable for specific learners, teachers or situations.

So, what to do in this material adaptation?
Teachers, materials writers, publishers, or learners may:
§  decide to use only part of a unit
§  add or delete texts or activities
§  replace or supplement texts or activities with one from other sources

This is ‘material development at glance’ and really, there are actually still much to expose about.

Check on the ‘Book’ for further references; or download to get sample of English materials, which consist of teacher’s and students’ book, developed by our contributor, Tata.

RAR password: liteneon.blogspot.com


Brian Tomlinson and Hitomi Masuhara. Developing Language Course Materials. RELC Portfolio Series 11 Published by SEAMEO Regional Language Center. 2004
Picture taken from: teachers.thelanguagemenu.com

Sample of English for Specific Purpose Design

The globalization has put English into an important part in every aspect of majors. Engineering, nursing, hospitality, tourism, business, farming, computer-technology, and many more use English, or at least need English.
However, I won’t explain much about the ESP. In this article, I will just share a sample of ESP design which is exposed in descriptive language similar to how Thomas Orr describe some ESP programs in his book.
Download here.


Thomas Orr (ed.). English for Specific Purposes. TESOL, inc.
Picture taken from: ymerleksi.wikispaces.com

Lesson Plan (RPP) in English Class

Lesson plan is an important instrument in teaching-learning activity. Something to keep in mind, that the basic idea of making or having lesson plan in any teaching-learning activity is not to complicate teachers, but to smoothen the teaching-learning activity itself, which will later ease the teacher’s job. For a real experienced teacher it might be okay to go to a class without any preparation (i.e. without having lesson plan), but, newbies do need the lesson plan. Lesson plan is a concrete strategy. If teaching is analogized onto a war, a performing teacher who has no lesson plan is like a warrior who goes to a battle with no strategy, just moving forward, no anticipation prepared, just swap a blade with no clear direction. Those who go with strategy can still possibly be defeated, so how about those ones with no plans? The teaching can be so risky war.

The Model
Practically, there is no standard guidance of composing a lesson plan. It might rather not proper to say ‘my lesson plan model is the right one’, mine is the best’, and so on. There may be more detailed model but it is not always the best ones. However, for me, the more detail the lesson plan is, the easier the teaching-learning activity will be.
To be able to fully understand some explanation below you may also need to view the samples of lesson plan which you can use to compare of what is explained. Click here to get some samples of lesson plans which I once used to teach while I was in OJT (On the Job Training) in MAN Kunir, Blitar.
Resulted from some review of lesson plan models in Indonesia, I concluded that lesson plan consists of 3 big parts, in which each part may still consist of some sub-parts. The big parts are (a) header, (b) content, and (c) doer.

Heading consists of very general information about the teaching and learning activity. School/institution name, lesson, grade/semester, competence standard, basic competence, indicators, text type, aspect, and time allocation are some information that should be included in this heading part.

More detail discussion:
Text type(s) in language teaching and learning are various. In a teaching-learning activity, the text type (s) can be those from genre-based (narrative, recount, report, descriptive, expository, etc.) or short functional texts (advertisement, announcement, short message, letter, invitation, schedule, etc.), or the combination of both. For example, in a teaching-learning unit, the text type(s) exposed might be descriptive text and invitation. Thus, any texts and activities prepared in the unit must be dealing with those types of texts.

Aspects in a language lesson plan may cover some linguistic skills, for example writing, speaking, listening, or reading; and linguistic aspects, for example grammar. There is no limitation of how this aspect in lesson plan is going to be exposed, thus, if a teacher plan to apply or use integrated teaching-learning model, it is very possible to fill out, for example, with ‘listening and speaking’ in the ‘aspect’ column.

As explained above that there is no standard guidance of how to compose a lesson plan, what is in the header part may be different from a lesson plan with other ones. For example, I found out that there is also a lesson plan which put ‘objectives’ in the heading part, while I prefer to place it the content part. The reason of why I put the ‘objectives’ in the content part is that what is in the header part should be those very general information, while ‘objectives’ describes specific information about a teaching-learning activity in which the ‘objectives’ exposes specific and detail characteristics of the activities that will be done.

I can say that this is the main part of a lesson plan. This part begins with introduction which is in the form of ‘objectives’, ‘materials’, and ‘teaching-learning method’. I classify those subs into introduction because they contain of what to deliver, not a detail planning of how to deliver itself (which I call ‘the main of content part’). It is then followed with ‘teaching-learning activities’ and ‘media and sources’ as the main part. And, closed with ‘assessment’ part which is also very essential and may involve various knowledge and techniques of language assessment.

More detail discussion:
Materials are so much wide-ranged. In a teaching-learning unit, a teacher may intend to expose texts (which types are also various), grammar (e.g. tenses, conditional sentences, etc), language expression (e.g. asking and giving opinion), vocabulary (e.g. parts of body, animals, etc.), and so on. What to write in the ‘materials’ part is based on what you are going to teach. By writing this, it may help you to do a preview of materials which means you have learned about it first, and you may also review this during teaching when you think you need to check the sureness or when you forget about.

‘Teaching-learning method’ covers approach, model, method, and technique used in teaching-learning activity. Note that some model of lesson plans may not go into very detail (discussing about the approach, model, method or technique), and directly expose the specific method used.

If you look at the samples that I attach in this article, you can see that those lesson plans of mine can be said to have pretty detail ‘teaching-learning activities’ description. What has been in today’s teaching trend in Indonesia is the creating of charactered-education. Thus, any teaching-learning activities are necessarily involves the cultural value and national character, such as team-work, discipline, hard-work, religious, curiosity, democracy, creative, tolerant, responsibility, etc.

Brown (2003) states that teaching and assessment has been in a circle in which assessment is a part of teaching which implies that there is not necessarily to say the importance of assessment in teaching. The ‘assessment’ part of the lesson plans in this article is also detail. It is divided into process-based assessment and result-based assessment in which some model of lesson plan may not go that detail. To say, it is true that in designing and preparing this assessment, wide knowledge of language assessment or testing may be needed.

This is where teacher put his/her identity which also includes the acknowledgment of supervisor.

Lesson plan, with all what in it, is very essential instrument that may guarantee the success of a teaching. Since there is no practical standard guidance of how to compose a lesson plan, it is our choice to consider how we should make a lesson plan. Whatever the model we use, it should have a basis in which we can explain our choice. Although my experience is still narrow, I can conclude that the more detail the lesson plan we make, the easier the teaching-learning activities will be.
All big things come from the detail.


Click here to download the samples of lessons plans.


H Douglas Brown. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. Longman University. 2003

Picture taken from: magerempowerment.com

How to Make a Curriculum Vitae (Bahasa Indonesia: Membuat Daftar Riwayat Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris)

Mau apply untuk lowongan kerja, atau beasiswa? Jangan lupa dilampirkan CV, atau Curriculum Vitae, atau Daftar Riwayat Hidup. Berikut saya share contoh CV dalam bahasa Inggris.


Arifin Sastranegara

Personal Details
Full Name
: Arifin Sastranegara
: Male
Place, Date of Birth
: Yogyakarta, December 1st, 1989
: Indonesia
Marital Status
: Unmarried
Height, Weight
: 170 cm, 59 kg
: Good
: Islam
: Jln. Jalan No. 123 - Yogyakarta
: 081 335 668 585
: arivin_z@yahoo.co.id

                My interest in language, especially English, has led me to study more about it. In Vocational School, I got very precious chance, selected by the school to get special training of English. Afterward, I realized that I have great understanding in English and I started to take it more seriously. I toke English Education as my major in university, joined some Grammar Classes in Pare, and participated in some events and competitions including East Java Varsities English Debate (EJVED) 2008 and 2010 in Malang University, Debate Competition of PIONER 2011 in Watampone – South Sulawesi and English Championship 2009 as coordinator of Grammar Test, and chief of the committee in 2010. In English Championship 2011, I am also chosen to be an adjudicator in final round of Debate Competition. With all experience, classes, skills, and understanding that I have got, I am sure that I can serve and give better understanding related to English.

Working Experience
2010 – present
: ALBERT course – Tutor of Elementary School and English.

Educational Background
1996 – 2002
: SDN Kepuhrejo, Yogyakarta
2002 – 2005
: MTsN Ngantru, Yogyakarta
2005 – 2008
: SMKN 3 Boyolangu, Yogyakarta
2008 – present
: IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Course and Education
2007 – 2008
: TOEIC Training, Vocational School 3 of Boyolangu,
: Grammar Class, Kresna English Language Institute,
  Pare, Kediri.

Organization Experience
2009 – 2010
: English Student Association - IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
  Member of Journalistic Division.
2010 – 2011
: English Student Association - IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
  Vice Chief.
2011 – present
: The Eternal Ion (Debate Club) - English Student Association, Trainer.

1.       English Skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening)
2.       Grammar and Structure
3.       Structural Linguistic (phonetics, phonemics, morphemic, and syntax)
4.       Computer Literate (MS. Word, MS. PowerPoint, MS. Excel, Corel Draw, Photoshop)
5.       Internet Literate.

Yogyakarta, May 30th, 2011


Semoga panduan How to Make a Curriculum Vitae (Bahasa Indonesia: Membuat Daftar Riwayat Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggristadi bisa bermanfaat. Baca juga artikel terkait tentang panduan membuat surat lamaran kerja di Make Application Letter (Surat Lamaran Kerja).


Picture taken from: interestingtopics.net

Apa Itu Parliamentary Debate?

“Oke, sebentar lagi kita akan melihat debate exhibition, jadi para participant silahkan menyaksikan dan mempelajari tentang bagaimana debat dalam lomba ini.”
Sekitar 30 menit debate exhibition berlangsung, dan selesai.
Seorang guru pendamping dari suatu sekolah berdiri dan mangangkat tangan, mengindikasikan ia ingin mengajukan pertanyaan atau masukan.
“Iya, bapak. Silahkan. Bapak siapa dan dari mana?”
“Iyah, saya Darto Helem dari SMA Zozobibi.”
“Umm, begini. Sebenarnya bukan bertanya, tapi hanya saya kira debatnya itu debate biasa yang kaya’ di TV itu, jadi langsung begitu. Dan terus terang, sebenarnya saya dan murid kamipun juga baru tau kalau debatnya modelnya seperti itu tadi (red: sesuai debate exhibition).”
“Ya, itu saja mungkin.”


So, Belum Tau Apa Itu Parliamentary Debate?
Dalam beberapa event lomba debat bahasa Inggris, masih sering saya menemui beberapa peserta yang belum mengerti secara teknis, atau pun sama sekali tentang Parliamentary Debate, padahal dalam event lomba tersebut sudah dijelaskan bahwa lomba debat bersangkutan merupakan English Parliamentary Debate.
Sekilas saja  saya jelaskan disini, bahwa parliamentary debate sangat berbeda dengan debat yang sering kita lihat pada umunya (baca: debat kusir). Apa yang membedakannya? Secara singkat saya menjawabnya “Parliamentary debate adalah model debat yang terstruktur dan sitematis, tidak asal bicara seenaknya.”
Ingin tau lebih banya tentang Parliamentary Debate? Download softcopy hand-out An Introduction to Parliamentary Debate, disusun oleh Arifin untuk praktikum kuliah Parliamentary Debate di IAIN Tulungagung.


Click here for soft copy download.

Picture taken from: uedc.wordpress.co

Make Application Letter (Surat Lamaran Kerja)

Bingung mau buat application letter? Ini saya share contoh application letter dalam bahasa Inggris pastinya.

May 30th, 2011

The Manager
English Islamic Course (EIC)
Kamulan RT 22 RW 04,
Durenan – Trenggalek
mobile: 0810937861020

Dear Sir,

English Tutor

Based on the announcement displayed in my university, I found that your company is looking for educational staff. I am interested in applying for one of positions offered, English Tutor.

I am 20 year old. I am studying in STAIN Tulungagung, majoring in English Education Program. Now, I’m on 6th semester.

I have joined some courses and classes of English, also participated in some English events and competitions. I have good English skills (speaking, writing, reading, and listening), structure and grammar understanding, linguistic knowledge, computer skill and high motivation. I am ready to work hard, healthy and have no record of serious ill.

Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

I can be reached anytime via my mobile phone, 085735704350, or e-mail at arivin_z@yahoo.co.id.

Thank you for your time and, hopefully, you could consider my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Zaenal Arifin

Itu tadi contoh Make Application Letter (Surat Lamaran Kerja), baca juga contoh daftar riwayat hidup, atau CV atau Curriculum Vitae, atau resume di How to Make a Curriculum Vitae (Bahasa Indonesia: Membuat Daftar Riwayat Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris).
Picture taken from: http://www.omfuad.com