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Sunday 28 December 2014

Monopoly - Here & Now Edition

Reviewed by Arifin
Tulungagung, 28 December 2014

It’s Monoply game. You know, don’t you? As its name your task is to conquer the places by acquiring them and monopolizing.

It’s an off line game, so you can just play instantly against computer. Also, this game I share is ‘portable’, which means you don’t have to install it. Easy!

So, give it a try, man!

Download here!

Bahasa Indonesia:
Sudah pada tau game Monopoly kan? Ya mainnya kita harus pakai monopoli biar bisa nguasain dunia (ini pakai peta Amerika tapi, ya).

Game yang saya share ini game off line jadi tidak perlu koneksi internet, dan juga ini game ‘portable’ alias tidak perlu install.

Selamat bermonopoli!

Download disini!

Alex Ferguson. My Autobiography (Ebook)

Reviewed by Arifin
Tulungagung, 27 December 2014

Alex Ferguson is one of the greatest football managers in the world. Sir Alex Ferguson was born in 1941 in Govan, Scotland. He began his football career as a center-forwarder in Scotland, but his name was treasured trough his great achievement as a manager of England greatest club, Manchester United.

Fergie had become a manager for Manchester United for 26 years. Arriving at Manchester  United  in 1986,  he  brought them  38  trophies,  including  the  Club World Cup,  two  Champions Leagues, 13  Premier  Leagues  and  five  FA  Cups.  His overall  haul  of 49  trophies  made  him  the  most successful British manager of all time. Knighted  in  1999,  Sir  Alex  announced  his  retirement  in 2013,  when  United were  again crowned  Premier  League champions.  At  the  age  of  71,  he  continues  to serve  United  as  a director.

What’s in the book
This book explores Alex Ferguson’s football journey which mostly his job at Manchester United. He describes his thoughts on some issues he had overcome, perspectives on some players, rival clubs and managers, and the football moment that he and the club has passed. On the last pages, there are also some memorable pictures relating to Alex Ferguson and people closed to him, his players, club, and so on.

1. Reflections
2. Glasgow Roots
3. Retirement U-Turn
4. A Fresh Start
5. Beckham
6. Rio
7. Lean Times
8. Ronaldo
9. Keane
10. Outside Interests
11. Van Nistelrooy
12. Mourinho – The ‘Special’ Rival
13. Competing with Wenger
14. The Class of ’92
15. Liverpool – A Great Tradition
16. A World of Talent
17. One Night in Moscow
18. Psychology
19. Barcelona (2009–11) – Small Is Beautiful
20. The Media
21. United’s 19th Title
22. Man City – Champions
23. Family
24. Rooney
25. The Last Campaign

Career Record
Picture Section

This will be a very wonderful book for you admiring Manchester United. You must have it.

Bagi yang ngaku ngefans sama United, saya sangat rekomendasikan untuk punya atau baca buku ini. Banyak hal-hal bersejarah dan menarik dalam buku ini.

Read the book? Download here.

Magazine Layout: eMagz – English Bulletin 8th Edition

Designed by Arifin
Tulungagung, 27 December 2014
I just found this old design project of magazine layout in my just-repaired-hardisk. It’s beautiful for me, and perhaps will be useful for you looking for design inspiration or just want to read it.

Setelah utak-utik hardisk yang rusak, akhirnya saya nemu ini. Sayang kalo nggak di-share, barangkali bermanfaat.

So, here we go. Check ‘em out!

One Face




2 Faces


Brian Tomlinson and Hitomi Masuhara. Developing Language Course Materials

Reviewd  by Arifin
Tulungagung, 27 December 2014

This can a very good reference for you interested in English material development. I found this portfolio in my study and the discussion in it is quite helping me, thought. Seeing this as a good reference then I retyped and set as tidy as possible including the accuracy of the page number so that it can used by others in helping their works.

Bahasa Indonesia:

Menurut saya, portofolio ini adalah referensi terkait ‘English material development’ yang sangat bagus. Makanya saya bela-belain untuk mengetik ulang dan saya share. Semoga bisa membantu teman-teman yang memerlukan.

All right, let’s just jump to the contents.

Materials Evaluation
- What is materials evaluation?
- Principles of materials evaluation
- Types of evaluation
- Developing criteria for evaluating materials
- Conducting materials evaluations
Materials Adaptation
- What is materials adaptation?
- Reasons for adapting materials
- Materials evaluation and adaptation
- Principles of materials adaptation
- Procedures of materials adaptation
- Conducting materials adaptation
Approaches to Materials Writing
- Principles and procedures of materials writing
- A recommended framework for materials development
- Using the framework
Aspects of Materials Writing
- Selecting text
- Writing instructions
- Using illustrations
- Design and layout
New Developments in Materials Writing
- Local projects
- CALL and multi-media materials
- Web-based materials

Read More
See this useful? Download here!


Sunday 19 October 2014

Helena Ceranic. The English Teacher's Handbook

Reviewed by Arifin
Tulungagung, 19 October 2014

Ceranic explains: “The chapters in this book are intended to support your craft of teaching and help you to develop flexible approaches and ideas that you can adapt to suit your teaching style and interests. Overall, the purpose of this handbook is to help not only balance your work load but reduce it. I advocate strategies to minimize tedium, administration and pointless time-wasting, to enable you to prioritise your time to the enjoyable aspects of the job that will have the biggest impact on students' learning and your own self-fulfillment and enjoyment.”

1. Planning outstanding English lessons
Principles for effective planning
Long-term planning
Medium-term planning
Short-term planning
Emergency planning
Being organized with your planning
Joint planning
Sourcing resources
Creative planning
Personalising your planning
2. Teaching outstanding English lessons
Principles for effective teaching
Organising the learning environment
Effective classroom interaction
Making the most of less on time
Engaging students
Effective lesson progression and transitions
Promoting active learning
Promoting thinking and independent learning
3. Developing outstanding assessment practices in English
Principles for effective assessment
Organising and planning assessment opportunities
Making marking manageable and useful
Target setting
Involving students with assessment
Involving parents with assessment
Recording assessment outcomes
4. Toolkit for teaching speaking and listening
Principles for effective speaking and listening
Capitalising on talk in the classroom
Individual presentations
Group activities
Drama-based tasks
Assessing speaking and listening
5. Toolkit for teaching reading
Principles for effective reading
Comprehension skills
The Media
Essay writing
Exploring context
6. Toolkit for teaching writing
Principles for effective writing
Preparing for independent writing
Sentence structure and punctuation
Composition and effect
Text organisation
Spelling strategies
Teaching the writing triplets
7. Being a highly organized and efficient English teacher
Principles for effective organisation
Managing time
Managing tasks
Managing marking and paper work
Managing stress
Organising resources
Making the most of IC T
8. Being reflective and developing your practice
Principles for effective continual professional development
Evaluating lessons
Professional development
Sharing and developing excellent practice
Developing your career
9. Organising English enrichment opportunities
The importance of developing English skills outside of the classroom
Having time for a life outside school

Read More
For further reading, you can download the book here. Below also some titles that may relate and you can learn.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

English Parliamentary Debate Training

Need parliamentary debate training? We provide you, your school, or institution a parliamentary debate coaching. What parliamentary debate is, rules and roles, debate styles, spesific terms, scoring aspects, strategies, practices and all details about parliamentary debate, accompanied by an experienced coach.

Perlu pelatihan atau pendampingan parliamentary debate untuk klub debat atau sekolah? Keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi lewat email atau nomor handphone di bawah.  

Further information, our proposal and question, please contact at zaenalarifin.neon@gmail.com or 081216298369.

Dr. MF Patel & Praveen M Jain. English Language Teaching (Methods, Tools & Teachniques)

Reviewed by Arifin
Tulungagung, 23 September 2014

This book is originally written for Indian use, as what the author said in the preface. First chapter of this book also provides a brief introduction dealing with English in Indian education. However, some issues discussed may will also be helpful for those studying TEFL or TESOL. Full content of the book can be seen by reviewing the contents below, or just simply download the book.

1.  The Place of English In Indian Education  
2.  Foreign Language Learning  
3.  Instructional Material and Text  Book  
4.  Methods  
5.  Approaches 
6.  Oral Work   
7.  Reading  
8.  Writing and Composition  
9.  Teaching of Prose, Poetry and Grammar   
10. Skills and Competencies of English Teacher  

Download the softcopy here!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Beasiswa Post-Graduate (Pasca Sarjana) Australia Awards Scholarship

For you who are looking for information about scholarship for master and/or doctoral degree, I hope this post can be helpful. Australia Awards Scholarship offers a change for you to study in Australia with various courses and universities choices. Learn more and download the application on the below link (official site). 

Buat loe yang lagi cari beasiswa S2 atau S3, berikut saya share informasi tentang beasiswa Australia Awards Scholarship. Beasiswa ini adalah hasil kerjasama antara pemerintah Australia dan Indonesia (khususnya) yang menawarkan kesempatan bagi para sarjana S1 untuk melanjutkan study pasca-sarjana di universitas-universitas di Australia. Untuk informasi, persyaratan atau download application nya, silahkan kunjungi situs resminya melalui link di bawah ini.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Peter Westwood. Teaching and Learning Difficulties

Reviewed by Arifin
Tulungagung, 22 March 2014

By Peter Westwood
This book has been written as a companion volume to my text Learning and learning difficulties (2004). Here, Peter has attempted to explore in detail the many different teaching approaches available for use, describing their potential advantages and disadvantages. In particular, hes has identified aspects of teaching approaches that may directly or indirectly cause students to have learning problems. He concurs completely with Farkota’s (2005) belief that many cases of learning difficulty can be traced to inappropriate or insufficient teaching, rather than to deficiencies in the students. 

It has not been his intention to recommend one particular method as superior to all others for achieving all types of educational objective. Purdie and Ellis (2005) are right in suggesting
that no single teaching method can possibly be appropriate for bringing about all types of learning. A teaching approach should be selected because of its goodness of fit for the type of learning involved in a lesson and for the learning characteristics of the students in that class. 

In this book, teaching approaches have been categorised as belonging somewhere on a continuum between ‘teacher-directedness’ and ‘student-centredness’ in their emphasis. But as he points out later, such categories are misleading, because most approaches contain elements of both teacher direction and student-centredness. Lessons are rarely wholly teacher-centred or wholly student-centred, and effective teaching requires that an appropriate balance be achieved between the two.

An unusual feature of this book is that he has included coverage of learning difficulties and teaching methods in relation not only to basic academic skills (literacy and numeracy) but also to specific subject areas such as science, social studies, history, geography and environmental education. Potential causes of learning difficulty are discussed within the context of these subjects. 

He has deliberately used as his primary source international literature on curriculum, learning difficulties and teaching methods, particularly from Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the US. It has always irritated me greatly over the years that professional literature in the field of learning difficulties tends to be very parochial in its perspective, dealing often with minutiae of local policies and practices in a particular country but failing to see the bigger picture in which key issues in teaching and learning are identical across all countries. He hopes this text helps delineate the bigger picture by taking a cross-curricular and international perspective.

In this text he has introduced many references and resources that can be located online. This
has been done to help any reader who wishes to investigate issues in greater detail but does not have easy access to an academic library. A disadvantage may be that certain websites may eventually disappear; for that he apologizes in advance. 

1 Curriculum, teaching methods and learning difficulties
   Curriculum as a source of difficulty
   Teaching methods as a source of difficulty
   Students’ views of good teaching
   The ‘effective teacher’ model 
   Teacher expertise 
   Meeting individual needs 
   Adaptive teaching
   Useful resources 
2 Teacher-centred approaches to instruction 
   Expository approach 
   Interactive whole-class teaching 
   Direct instruction 
   Precision teaching 
   Mastery learning 
   Computer-based learning 
   Multisensory teaching methods 
   Useful resources 
3 Student-centred approaches to learning 
   Discovery learning 
   Resource-based learning 
   Project-based learning 
   Problem-based learning 
   Task-based learning 
   Cognitive strategy training 
   Cognitive apprenticeship 
   Situated learning 
   Anchored instruction
   Useful resources 
4 Classroom interactions for learning and teaching 
   Establishing attention 
   Same-age peer tutoring and cross-age tutoring 
   Cooperative learning 
   Reciprocal teaching 
   Useful resources 
5 Teaching basic academic skills: literacy 
   Teaching students to read 
   Beginning to read 
   Phonic skills 
   Building sight vocabulary 
   Learning difficulties in writing  
   Approaches to the teaching of writing 
   Strategy training  
   Word processors 
   Teaching spelling 
   Useful resources 
6 Teaching basic academic skills: mathematics 
   Goals and content of mathematics education 
   Teaching and learning in basic mathematics  
   Contemporary approaches 
   Is the pendulum swinging again?  
   Effective teaching of basic mathematics 
   Poor-quality teaching 
   Difficulties associated with learning basic mathematics 
   Strategy training for problem-solving 
   Using appropriate methods to match instructional aims 
   Useful resources 
7 Teaching science 
   Science for all 
   Approaches to teaching and learning 
   Science in special schools 
   Anticipating areas of difficulty 
   Attention and concentration problems 
   Memory and recall problems
   Stages of cognitive development 
   Language difficulties 
   Literacy problems  
   Numeracy problems 
   Social and behavioural problems 
   Weak self-efficacy
   Poor self-management 
   Poor-quality instruction 
   Useful resources 
8 Teaching social studies, history, geography and environmental education 
   Social studies and related subjects: aims and purposes  
   Environmental education 
   Approaches to teaching and learning 
   Poor-quality teaching 
   Using group discussion effectively 
   The challenge of mixed-ability classes 
   Anticipating areas of difficulty 
   Difficulties with literacy and language 
   Cognitive and affective development 
   Numeracy problems 
   Problems associated with field trips 
   Useful resources 
9 Support for learning 
   Providing support in schools 
   Support teachers 
   In-class support 
   The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) 
   Teacher assistance teams (TATs) 
   Collaborative consultation  
   Useful resources 

Think this book helpful for you? Read more, download it here!

Peter Westwood. Learning and Learning Difficulties

Reviewed by Arifin
Tulungagung, 22 March 2014

By Peter Westwood
In writing this book Peter has attempted to place the phenomenon of learning difficulty within a much wider context than is usual by exploring a variety of learning processes, learning theories, and concepts about learning. An understanding of the way in which learning occurs is fundamental to an understanding of how and when problems in learning may arise. By painting this broader canvas he hopes to help teachers and others appreciate that problems in learning are not all due to weaknesses within students or to lack of motivation on their part. Indeed, many learning difficulties are created or exacerbated not by factors within the students but by influences within the environment in which they live and learn. Many such factors in the learning environment are amenable to modification and improvement, whereas deficits within learners are not so easily changed.

Two of the most powerful influences in the learning environment are the school curriculum and the approaches to teaching. It is argued here that teaching methods and materials must be selected carefully to suit the types of learning involved in specific lessons, and to accommodate the learning characteristics of the students. Many learning problems are prevented or minimized by matching teaching methods and lesson content to learners’ current aptitude and prior experience. 

Of course, some learning problems are indeed due to deficits or impairments within students themselves; and discussion focuses on such causes in later chapters of the book. However, the point is made that some commonly observed weaknesses or ‘deficits’ (for example, poor attention to task, limited concentration, poor retention and recall of information) are often the outcome from learning failure, not the cause. The impact of inappropriate curriculum, insufficient teaching, and persistent failure is discussed, with particular reference to the detrimental effects they can have on students’ affective development and motivation.

Readers will identify a number of recurring themes running through the chapters — including the need to catch and maintain students’ attention, the importance of explicit teaching and guided practice, and the value of teaching students effective task-approach strategies. Also emphasized in many chapters is the importance of addressing students’ personal and emotional needs, as well as working toward cognitive and academic goals.

He has drawn widely from international literature to support his arguments and to present contemporary perspectives on learning and learning difficulty. There is universal agreement that early prevention of learning failure is much more effective than later attempted cures

1 Perspectives on learning
   Teaching should be based on a knowledge of learning 
   Learning defined and described
   Types of learning 
   Categories of learning 
   Learning physical (psychomotor) skills 
   Acquiring information 
   Developing intellectual skills 
   Learning cognitive and metacognitive strategies 
   Developing attitudes, beliefs and values 
   Intentional learning and incidental learning 
   Observational learning
   Rote learning versus meaningful learning 
   Learning hierarchies 
   The process and sequence of learning 
   The role of practice 

2 Theories of learning and motivation 
   Behavioural theory 
   Cognitive theories of learning 
   Information processing 
   Representing information in long-term memory 
   Constructivist perspective 
   Criticisms of the constructivist viewpoint 
   Locus of control and attribution theory 
   Explanatory style 
   Attribution retraining 
   Metacognition and self-regulation 
   Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation 
   Expectancy-value theory 
   Motivation in the classroom 

3 Brain, memory and intelligence 
   Brain development 
   Learning and the brain 
   Exploring brain function and structure 
   Short-term memory 
   Working memory 
   Long-term memory 
   Models of intelligence
   Contemporary views 
   Can intelligence be taught? 
   Beyond intelligence 
   A current definition 

4 Learning difficulties: prevalence and causes 
   Students with learning difficulties 
   Possible causes of learning difficulty 
   Teaching methods as a cause of learning difficulty 
   Classroom environment 
   Socio-economic disadvantage 
   Poor relationship between student and teacher 
   Poor school attendance 
   Health and physical status 
   Learning through the medium of a second language 
   Loss of confidence
   Emotional or behavioural problems 
   Below-average intelligence 
   Sensory impairment 
   Specific information processing difficulties 
   Visual perceptual difficulties 
   Auditory perception 
   Attentional difficulties 

5 Specific learning disabilities 
   Discrepancy between ability and achievement 
   Defining and describing learning disability 
   Types of learning disability
   Genetic factors 
   Neurological factors 
   Phonological awareness and rapid automatic naming 
   Visual perception 
   Learning style 
   Dyspedagogia (inefficient teaching) 
   Differential diagnosis 
   Are students with SpLD really different from other low achievers? 
   Intervention methods 

6 Difficulties in reading 
   Defining and describing reading
   Learning to read 
   Word identification and phonics 
   Reading difficulties 
   Reading disability: dyslexia 
   Aptitude-Treatment Interactions 
   Phonological awareness 
   Is dyslexia different from other types of reading difficulty? 
   General principles of intervention 

7 Difficulties in writing and spelling 
   The need for explicit instruction 
   Writing is a complex skill 
   Developmental aspects of writing and spelling 
   Difficulties in writing 
   Difficulties with spelling 
   Phonological skills 
   Visual imagery 
   Insufficient instruction 
   Specific disability in written language: dysgraphia
   Intervention: general principles 
   Strategy instruction 
   Interventions for spelling 
   Use of computers and spellcheckers 

8 Learning difficulties in mathematics 
   The changing nature of mathematics education 
   Learning difficulties in mathematics
   Poor teaching generates poor learning 
   Affective components of learning difficulties in mathematics
   Specific learning disability in mathematics: developmental dyscalculia 
   Specific areas of weakness
   Subtypes within dyscalculia 
   Determining a student’s instructional needs
   Intervention: general principles and strategies

9 Intellectual disability
   Description and definition
   Mild intellectual disability
   Moderate intellectual disability
   Severe intellectual disability
   Causes of intellectual disability
   Language delay or disorder
   Social development
   Teaching approaches for students with intellectual disability

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